Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'm gonna hang myself now.

What, in the name of Bollywood, is going on? She's got herself a tv-show too? First Shah Rukh Khan, then Akshay and so on.

The queen of tranny mess, Rakhi, got a show now. It's called 'Rakhi Ka Phone Aaya Hai' and it would feature some big names as guests. Yeah right, if you count Mallika Sherawat as a big name. I don't even barely know who she is. Apparently the topics of conversation would be everything from films to sports and politics to current affairs not to forget the latest gossip in town.

Um I don't think so, it'll be more interseting if the topic would be about her fashion-sense, which she obviously doesn't have. No wait, they should bring in people who'll give her make-overs on every episode. I mean, anything is better than the shiteous outfits she's wearing. She barely even has clothes on.

When she admitted that her breasts were fake, I was shocked. I thought they were real, as real as Santa Clause. Then she removed them, and put them back in. Make up your mind, woman!

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