Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Khan vs Khan?

Amir Khan just blogged about Shah Rukh, not the actor though.

In Aamir's own words this is what he says, "Shah Rukh is licking my feet and I am feeding him biscuits every now and then. What more can I ask for?

Now, before you jump to any conclusions let me add that Shah Rukh is the name of our dog. And before you jump to any further conclusions let me add that I had nothing to do with naming him. In fact Shah Rukh is the dog of the caretakers of our house. When I bought this house it came with the caretakers and their dog! Apparently Shah Rukh (the actor) was shooting for a commercial in this house a few years ago, and that very day the caretakers bought a pup…, and named him Shah Rukh. What are the chances of me buying a house which comes with a dog called Shah Rukh!!!

Some of my friends claim that I bought the house just because of the dog. I would have to be a serious fan of Shah Rukh's to want to do that. Your guess…"

OMG, would these 'actors' stop ego-trippin' and start acting like adults. I stopped doing that kind of things when I was like 14 or something. It's natural to feel threatned by others, but you have to be a role model when you're famous and behaiving like 12 year olds doesn't count.

This is what happens when celebrities blog. Someone should control these people. They should be wearing a collar that gives electric chocks everytime they say something stupid.

Can't they just get along. They both share the same last name, they're practically family.

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