Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fuggity Fug

Bachans IIFA 2008 Red Carpet 3Bachans IIFA 2008 6

Aish sure likes to surprise the public with every appearence she makes. As soon as she looks decent she has to go spoil everything by wearing a shiteous unflattering red gown and looking fat! These pictures makes me embarrassed. I feel kind of sorry for Aish who seems kind of oblivious about the fact that she looks like an aunty. Wake up honey! Start ur training and go on some diet. Beyonce's body may be HOT but not on Aish. I want the flawless Aish back. There's not much to say about the rest of the Bachans. Amitabh needs to trim his white nose-hair and Jaya need to cut that fake smile out. I'm tired of seeing it in every Jaya-film. Abhishek looks like he was taken from the streets of Mumbai's slums.

Note: Aish really looks preggers...or maybe she's just bloated.

Bachans IIFA 2008 Red CarpetBachans IIFA 2008 Red Carpet 2Bachans IIFA 2008 Red Carpet 4Bachans IIFA 2008 Red Carpet 5Bachans IIFA 2008 7

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