Thursday, May 8, 2008


Here's a sneek peek at Priyanka's futuristic look in 'Love Story 2050'. Futuristic my ass...looks like she belongs in the early 2000's. To match her gorgeous hair she shoould wear jeans with butterflies and flowers embroided on and a t-shirt with 'millenium 2000' written all over it. The early 2000's was a fug time in fashion.

1 comment:

ashi.kacheria said...

hey i personally love her red hair ...i think she looks really HOT !!!!! , I’m really looking forward to love story 2050…it is bollywoods first sci-fi movie !!! im sure Harman Baweja will be a huge super star and I cant wait to watch him star opposite Priyanka Chopra ….just Check out the promos