Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Harman's beard

Harman AmritaPhotobucket

Harman Baweja and Amrita Rao were spotted at the sets of 'Victory'. I guess it's a new movie and judging by the looks of the still it looke like it has flop written all over it. Who knows it might turn out good. Harman looks like he forgot to wash his face after dipping it in the toilet and Amrita looks like she's wearing the her old pants from the pre-anorexia-time. She needs to update her closet and Harman needs to shave. I can smell his stank morning breath from the pics. Ewww. I thought the mullet died in the early 90's, so why Harman? You're not gonna make it fashionable again. What's up with the earings?

Baweja RaoVictory HarmanHarman still Victoryhaah

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