Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Katrina and Bipasha channeling their inner Jessica Simpson

I'm just waiting to see them burst into 'the ho down'. Now an explanation for those who doesn't know what a 'ho down' is, according to the urban dictionary:

1.) A ho down is a ceremony in which drunken hicks run around clapping, yelling, sloshing hard liquor and banging the shit out of their siblings, all whilst listening to the shittiest type of country music.

2.) The dance performed by Ashlee Simpson after her infamous screwup at Saturday Night Live. "Oops... I just got caught lipsynching. Let's dance!" *does ho down*

3.)When you smack yo bitch so hard dat she hits da floor, you gots a ho down.
"We got a ho down! I repeat, a HO DOWN. Requesting backup here!"

For me, a 'ho down' is all of the above...

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