Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Love Story 2050 - music review

Love Story 2050's tagline is "the future is here". Well, the future might be here but not in the music. It's not innovative. It's just some technobeats thrown in here and there.

Now, let's talk about the originality of this film. I think it looks like a little 'Time Machine', 'I,Robot' and a little 'Fifth Element'. Not very original or innovative. Let's hope the story line is good.

Check out these pics.
Love Story 2050
love story 2050 robots
I robot

Love Story 2050
love story 2050
Fifth Element
flying cars

Milla had her hair dyed carrot-red for The Fifth Element and Priyanka didn't want to copy her so she went with tomato-red.


1 comment:

Ashi said...

well...i think the storyline is going to be fabulous...after all not every father invests 40 crores in his son's debut film without a storyline and without expecting returns.
and well every story can b thought to b linked with some movie or the other.infact i liked the music too.i am sure this movie will b a real blockbuster.